I have what might be some silly questions, but I want to ask them anyway.
Has anyone ever bothered to feel the area of their skull where the hole was cut to see if it is the same shape as the other side?
The reason I ask is that I have and it's not the same. On the operated side the skull is flatter and indented a bit. It feels like the whole area where the incision was made is flatter, but it's actually indented a bit where I suspect the hole was made.
Does anyone know how they keep the cut piece of your skull in place after surgery?
I know they use some kind of surgical glue and also supposedly use fat tissue (or something like that) to seal it. But my operation was a little different. They never cut me anywhere else to get the fat tissue. So I don't know if they used the fat tissue already in the area or some other kind of sealant. If they used the fat already in the area, that might account for some of the different shape.
Do they stable the skull or use any kind of metal to seal it also?
Finally, does anyone know how long it takes for the skull bone to fuse?
I never had any signs of leakage from the operated area, but I do often have a congested feeling in that ear and sometimes it actually feels like I have fluid in my ear (like when you just came out of the shower and some water got it in). All this has me wondering whats going on in there. The surgeons saw me at the 2 week point (to remove sutures) and 5 week (hearing tests) and didn't see any problems. I am at 12-13 weeks now. I have no signs of leakage from my nose, don't taste anything funny etc...
I'm not scheduled for a visit to my surgeon right now to ask him all these things and have it checked out. He's supposed to contact me when he wants me to get an MRI and come in for another visit. So it probably won't be for at least a few weeks.
I'm probably just being paranoid, but I am curious about some of these issues.