Hi Sue, Just my comments on what your experiencing as it compares with my experience:
* More off balance and unsteadiness - especially at the end of the day and when I'm tired; overall balance is worse nowFatigue seems be an universal issue and there are many threads here addressing it. I have employed Tony's 10 min rest every hour - may seem like a luxury or unlikely to accomodate in a given workplace, but I find it has better results than waiting till you get leveled for an hour plus after too much excertion. Looks like you are familiar with yoga, - try laying on your office floor with your legs inverted against the wall (feet up) at lunch. 10 minutes of that is supposed to be better than an hour nap. At least shut your eyes for short intervals and breath. Feed your brain - eat every couple hours - at least a handful of almonds or pistachios, walnuts or trail mix, etc. Our own moderator Phyl posted a link to a pdf that answered so much and validates our situation:
http://www.modularmisfits.com/forums/files/Brain_Tumor_and_Fatigue.pdfBesides fatigue, late in the day can provide other problems: Darkness challenges balance and that is going to take time to overcome, and vestibular tharapy can help. Longer days are around the corner too.

I have not experienced the tightness or the spasms, thankfully, guess I can feel blessed about that, huh?! Others may?
* Eyes don't seem to focus as well, and I feel I squint a lot as the day goes on. Lots of Refresh or Gentile drops help keep it hydrated. Drink more water, Good sunglasses
* Metallic taste on the AN side; seems to be associated with saliva glands - subsides
No drool, but I don't talk teacher - we each have unique experiences!
* eyes aren't tracking with head movement as well * Tinnitus is getting louder on AN side To me, both are indications that I need to crawl in bed and shut eyes, good nights sleep tames brain and therefor tinnitus.
* Headaches - lots of people will chime in here or you can find threads; I don't suffer thankfully.
Lastly, someone on this forum mentioned 1 month per every hour you were under anesthisia to get stamina back. I wish someone had told me this earlier, cause I was beating my self up for not returning to norm after the stated 6 weeks, feeling guilty of sloth or something. For me, I was under 11 hours, and I am approaching 11 months. Amazing at the progress made in stamina lately, so fairly accurate guide for me. How long were you down?
My two cents - never beat yourself up, and my observation is that you sound 'par for couse', and though slides can get us down, you seem to have great tools (attitude, faith, ect.) to cope with it.
Happy Valentines,