Author Topic: FSR failed and going on to Gamma Knife  (Read 2200 times)

john twoffer

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FSR failed and going on to Gamma Knife
« on: February 15, 2006, 08:27:17 am »
Has anyone had their FSR fail and then gone on to have Gamma Knife and had a good outcome. My FSR 6 years ago appears to have failed. Suddenly, everyone agrees that it has failed and that the tumor is still growing. I am not able to undergo surgery. But, I have heard of only one case where FSR failed and FSR was done again, and that patient had facial nerve paralysis after the second FSR. I have heard of a few cases where GK was repeated and the repeat GK was successful without facial nerve damage. I have not been able to track down any cases of FSR that failed followed by GK. Does anyone know any case where FSR was follwed by GK?
Acoustic Neuroma and Cyst in my head.
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Re: FSR failed and going on to Gamma Knife
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2006, 05:33:35 pm »
  Why aren't you able to undergo surgery?
  Re Repeat radiation, your body has not changed and radiation failed. What would give cause to believe it won't fail again?
  Scar tissue... It would be nice to have an intact facial nerve after the radiation scarring!
  No, never heard of a failed FSR followed by GK.
  Best wishes here, John. Best go to HEI in LA with this if you have a FSR Tx failure. This is a life altering decision and event.