Hi, I'm new to this forum. I had an AN removed 5 1/2 years ago. I had already lost all of my hearing before surgery and remain completely deaf on that side (right side). I recently got a BAHA, which I love!!! A week ago I noticed that my "good" ear feels like it's stopped up, like I'm under water, and sometimes I can barely hear anything besides through the BAHA. I saw my primary care doctor yesterday and he said my ear looked "perfect", no fluid or infection, but he wanted to treat me with medication to "open the ear canal". I left his office very upset. He dismissed my concern about another AN, saying "brain tumors are very rare". I think that was a pretty obnoxious comment to make to a person who has had one!!. The fact that he wanted to treat me with meds for a closed eustacian tube, with no evidence that it's closed bothered me because I'm pregnant. He's prescribing medications that my OB said not to take while pregnant. Well, I realized with my PPO, I don't need his referral to get a hearing test, so I called the doctor who did my BAHA surgery and scheduled a hearing test for a few weeks from now. In the meantime, I'm getting more and more concerned. The hearing loss is a constant reminder that something may again be amiss. I'm overdue for my follow-up MRI for my original AN, but I don't want to have an MRI while pregnant. Last MRI did show something where the original tumor was, but they didn't know whether it was post-surgical changes or regrowth of original tumor. The doctor just said he'd keep following it with MRIs to look for growth. Oddly, my body makes a lot of benign tumors in various locations (breast, thyroid as well as AN). I'm having my 9th breast tumor removed in a week. No doctor will speculate on a cause for the multiple tumors. They just act like I should be glad they are all benign. It makes me wonder where more tumors may be lurking that I don't know about. I know that NF2 causes central nervous system tumors, not breast and thyroid, but I'm wondering how concerned I should be based on my recent hearing loss in my good ear. I guess the mystery of all the other tumors is a separate issue, but I can't help but think it's odd for one person to make so many. I'm also wondering if pregnancy hormones can cause an existing AN to grow faster. I know that is true about breast tumors, but what about ANs? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Thank you.