Janet ~
Thanks for the link to the video of KOMO-TV (Seattle, WA) anchorwoman Kathi Goertzen and her tribulations with a recurring meningioma, which has been problematical for her, to say the least.
Although a meningioma is somewhat different than an acoustic neuroma, they are similar enough to illustrate the difficulties inherent with this type of relatively small, benign tumor that happens to be in a very challenging location. I'm a tad skeptical about the general public becoming all that more aware of ANs based on this locally well known newswoman's situation but the publicity can't hurt and may serve to educate some folks and, one hopes, make them better aware of these benign tumors that can cause so much trouble for the patient.
I'm pleased to learn Ms. Goertzen did well with her surgery and is able to resume her news anchor duties.