Hi to all the forumites,
I am finally clear of the meningitis-good riddance! Once I finished the steroids, the meningitis symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks. It was like having the aches and headaches of the flu for a week straight. I am so thankful to be pain free once again.
I had to do two weeks of IV therapy instead of the one week, and was ever so glad to be done with that. There is something inherently wrong about getting in the shower and worrying about getting wet! My last hurdle now is getting the leak healed. I am having more and more good days, and I would dearly love to think that things are moving in that direction, but Egbert, my goose egg. will still have days when he decides he is going to make his presence known. After feeling really terrific over the weekend, Egbert is puffy today. I am sticking close to home and wearing my pressure bandage to keep him in check.
Onward and upward, two steps forward and one step back. I may not have had an AN, but my recovery echoes to some extent what many of you have gone through. Your experiences have helped me weather the current storms with more patience than I would have if I were just out here on my own, trying to figure out what the heck is going on!
Thanks for all the collective wisdom and encouragement handed out for all of us still struggling to get through it.