Hi Jan --
I'm glad you liked my description of the translab approach. I'm sure I left some things out, it's been a while since I discussed thsi with my doc and I know some I left out some of the details. I actually remember reading about the retrosigmond approach which I found equally interesting although I don't remember it as clearly. I remember that while there were some similarities although it was a little different, starting with the incision being a little further back. If you're interested, I'll send it to you. All in all, I'm pretty sure I remembered the general jist of what my doc told me about translab though. I thought my "a scar is born" was rather clever too so I'm glad you liked that too!
I haven't yet gotten a copy of my operative report but plan to ask for a copy eventually. I really find this stuff very interesting.
Hexe --
Sorry for yet another hijack!
I hope my explanation answered most of your questions.
Lori -- Cobwebs huh? They must have been hanging out in the arachnoid meatus (somewhere around the dura I think -- do I sound like I know what I'm talking about?).
Phyl - Forgive my sidesteps, just trying to cover all the bases!
Sorry Phyl