First, welcome to the group! While we know you don't want to be here, I think you'll find a wealth of information, experience, and more importantly compassion and understanding here in "our home".
I had retrosigmoid surgery 3 weeks ago in Tampa. I can't offer any personal experience regarding SBI, but I have only heard positive comments from those that had procedures there.
I can tell you that even with traditional surgery, recovery times can be short. I was out of the hospital the day after surgery, and walking outdoors a couple of days later. Outside of balance issues, which are common, I consider myself fully recovered already. I don't get tired during the day. I haven't taken naps since about day 3 or 4. I'm about 90 percent back to normal.
The only thing I would recommend to you is that you research your choice of surgeon thoroughly. Make sure they have performed many skull based tumor surgeries, and ask them point blank about issues with facial weakness and post-operative headaches.
I think with the larger tumors, such as yours, the surgeries tend to take a little longer, requiring you to be under anesthesia for a longer period of time. From what I've read from fellow forumites, this can extend the recovery time due to nausea and fatigue. Again, I don't know if that applies to SBI.
You will know in your heart when you have found the right surgeon. I did. It just feels right.
Oh, and you are probably at the hardest part of your entire journey. For me, the time between diagnosis and waiting for surgery day were the worst! Worse even than the surgery and post-op recovery
Hope some of this helps,