Author Topic: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment  (Read 7958 times)

Keeping Up

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So much for me marching through with a small AN and no impact on my life.

I have had dizzy spells when I lie down at night (the 'drunken spins' - something I thought I gave up when I graduated from college).  I was having problems when I first got out of bed a few weeks ago with definite spins - but that seems to have moderted.

I now have this feeling of dizzy or lightheaded - can't figure out which one.  Is there a difference?  I also swear I feel short of breath doing the most minor of exercise (I am in relatively good shape - and no weight issues) which increases this feeling of light-headed. 

Is this at all AN related?

I have been dealing with the dizzy feeling at night for several weeks - it really isn't serious so have ignored waiting for my May MRI.

However this dizzy or light-headed feeling is a bit much at work. 

So I made an appointment with my GP - to bring up the numb hand that has been going on for months (it is getting worse - no pain, just numb).  And, well thought I might as well discuss the spins/dizzy/light-headed/heavy chest at the same time.  However, then it occurred to me she knows nothing of this AN thing - so faced with chicken n'egg.  Is some of it related to the AN or is it not related.  Not quite sure she will even know what an AN is?  (I wasn't referred to the ENT by my GP, but rather a private clinic associated with my employer.)

So then I made an appointment with the ENT.

However, now I just feel like a whiner.

I have no pain - just this numb/weak hand and this feeling of dizzyness that only seems to happen when I am not at home.

While not stressed out too much about anything in particular, I don't exactly lead a quiet life (four kids, work out of the house, bank facing layoffs, crashing markets, husband looking for work blah blah blah).  I would actually say I am in a calmer place now than I have been in several years - so much easier not having an infant in the house, facing a reno and being pregnant (simultaneous at times).

Did I do the right thing - should I cancel the GP appointment or the ENT appointment.  I don't want to be my anxiety ridden, sickness dwelling mother - but it seems I moving in that direction.  Both appointments happen to be this Thursday (I sometimes have to retract negative comments about the Cdn healthcare system - shocked the crap out of me to get either appointment so soon.)

Just feeling a bit defeated - I want to be a happy, healthy girl but it is hard with all these little things.

dx Dec/08 - 5mm x 8mm AN
'watch and wait'


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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 07:15:37 pm »
Hi Ann,
I don't think any of us can say for sure that some or all of these are AN related.  Most of them could be.  I'm guessing you've been here long enough to know that already :).  I've never heard anyone say they had shortness of breath with an AN.
Light headed versus dizzy...that's a tough one.  I separate them.  When I turn to my left, or look up and down, I get light headed, but not dizzy.  Dizzy to me is more like an unbalanced feeling, like you're going to fall.  Light headed is more like a feeling of weakness, but not necessarily out of balance.  Not much of a difference I guess.
I guess I would keep both appointments.  Let your GP know about your AN, but express your concerns that you want to rule out something else causing them.  It's never a bad idea to see the doctor when things aren't working as they should.
-1.3 X 0.8 cm AN in the right cerebellopontine angle extending into the internal auditory canal.
-Retrosigmoid Surgery with Dr. Bartels and Dr. Danner at Tampa General 3/5/2009.
-Had to cut hearing nerve to get "sticky" tumor, so SSD right side.


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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 10:36:08 pm »
To me light headed means you are getting close to fainting, where dizzy means things are spinning a bit.

If you have a small benign tumor in your head, you are entitled to consult with a physician when you have strange feelings in your head. Nothing whiny about that. It is worth having a GP check your blood pressure, etc., to make sure there isn't something else wrong as well. And you should discuss with an ENT whether the dizziness sensation is related to the AN, which seems quite possible, and may be a symptom worth considering in relation to treatment.

So go see your doctors on Thursday, and don't feel so guilty about it.   ;)

8 mm left AN June 2007,  CK at Stanford Sept 2007.
Hearing lasted a while, but left side is deaf now.
Right side is weak too. Life is quiet.


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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2009, 09:05:10 am »

Go to both of your appointments, you have legitimate concerns. 

Take care and keep us informed,
Anne Marie
Sept 8/06 Translab
Post surgical headaches, hemifacial spasms and a scar neuroma. 
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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2009, 08:12:10 am »
Ann , how did you get on?
over 4.5cm AN removed dec 06

Jim Scott

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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2009, 08:42:00 am »
Ann ~

I know this post is coming after the fact but I wanted to make a statement for you and anyone who may be in a similar situation.

A numb hand is not normal and neither is dizziness and shortness of breath.  I'm not a doctor and have no idea what is causing these symptoms but they need to be addressed by a medical professional.  Of course, I hope they're nothing serious - but you can't simply dismiss them out of a sense of embarrassment. 

I know that as life-long healthy person with no medical issues to deal with it was very difficult for me to present myself to a physician and say there's something wrong, so I waited until my AN symptoms were far beyond ignoring before I finally sought medical help.  Fortunately, I found a superb neurosurgeon with decades of experience treating acoustic neuromas and after going through surgery and radiation, I had a successful outcome, as many AN patients do.   My point is that abnormal symptoms should not be ignored and you shouldn't feel like a whiner or hypochondriac because you have symptoms that disturb you.  Symptoms (dizziness, numb extremity) are our body's way of warning us that something may be wrong.  I've learned to heed such warnings.  I hope you will, too, and of course, whatever the source of your symptoms, I hope it's not serious and easily correctable.  Please let us know the outcome of your doctor consultations.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 08:43:42 am by Jim Scott »
4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.

Keeping Up

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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2009, 06:57:29 pm »
Thanks for everyone's response - it did make me feel better.

I trotted off to my ENT appointment - he was very patient and did agree that is why they are there so not to worry.  It shook my head up a fair bit.  I will assume he didn't see any nystagmus (s/p?) which would suggest the symptoms I had were mild.  He did say that the dizzy episodes are very common, will likely last for a few weeks then disappear again as the other side of the brain compensated.  I also had another hearing test which suggested no additional loss.  He did say, and I believe it to be true, that any form of anxiety will increase your breathing rates and change the acidity of the blood, which naturally can cause dizziness.  [Had me hyperventilate for 1 minute - and I can mimic the symptoms, at least very mildly.]  He did suggest some vestibular excercise - and shock of all shocks, GET MORE EXC\ERCISE!  Interestingly, he can suggested that is highly possible that this small tumor could go beyond 10 years - and that mild bouts of dizziness were not worthy of changing course.  I agree so I am happy with the decision.

The GP suggested ulnar nerve issues - something I had picked up from interneting as well as some insightful souls here.  I am off to physiotherapy for a review - but is more than likely introducing different exercise, sleeping positions, and again GET MORE EXERCISE!!!

I am OK with the resutls - less dizzy than I was on Monday/Tuesday when I made the appointment , but still have my moments but again are much improved.

Back on track, to just wait, wait and wait some more!

dx Dec/08 - 5mm x 8mm AN
'watch and wait'

Vivian B.

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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2009, 08:04:36 pm »
Hi Ann,

I just saw your post. I don't know how I missed it. I am glad everything is o.k. It's good to check with Dr. whenever you need to. Mine told me to do the same if symptoms are different or increase. Glad you are o.k.

CPA AN(most likely meningioma) 1.6cm by 1.5cm by 1.9cm diagnosed early March 09. Watch and Wait.


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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2009, 09:39:54 pm »
I know some people on this forum get right on it and start running half marathons and such, but I sure find that the whole AN experience has dropped my interest in strenuous activity. Fortunately just some good old stretchy-bendies and a walk will do a lot to stir up the muscles and release tension. Does knitting count as exercise?  ::)

I'm glad you saw the ENT, and that he said wait some more. Now go do some push ups.  ;D

8 mm left AN June 2007,  CK at Stanford Sept 2007.
Hearing lasted a while, but left side is deaf now.
Right side is weak too. Life is quiet.


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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2009, 10:21:04 pm »
At the rate you are knitting, I think some MAJOR aerobic points would be awarded!! ;D

Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2009, 06:00:59 am »
Well seeing that knitting is a stress reliever....Steve should be stress freeeeeeeeee....LOL
14mmX11mmX11mm left ear
TRANSLAB 04/07/09 2cms at time of surgery
Dr. Benoit and Schramm, Ottawa Civic Campus
SSD ,some facial numbness
Baha surgery sept 22/09
residual tumor 13mmX7mmX8mm
2016 new growth.  25mmX21mmX22mm
cyberknife on June 7


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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2009, 01:09:59 pm »

I might suggest you read this, if you already haven't.  It explains the balance system so well.  Some of your symptoms are of course related to that, and some are likely anxiety as your doctor suggested.  So glad you visited him!

Hang in there,

Sue in Vancouver USa
Sue in Vancouver, USA
 2 cm Left side
Diagnosed 3/13/06 GK 4-18-06
Gamma Knife Center of Oregon
My Blog, where you can read my story.

The only good tumor be a dead tumor. Which it's becoming. Necrosis!
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Re: Lightheaded or dizzy - a difference? Made ENT & GP appointment
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2009, 08:14:13 pm »

That article was very informative.


So glad you went to see the Dr R.  He is a very patient and understanding man.  He's put up with me for almost 2 years  ;)

Anne Marie
Sept 8/06 Translab
Post surgical headaches, hemifacial spasms and a scar neuroma. 
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