Hi crazyd925,
I’m very sorry that you have to go through this all over again, like the first time wasn’t enough.
My wife Scarlett was diagnosed with a 2.5cm cystic AN on 11/12/08 and had her surgery four weeks ago today, and is doing very well considering what an ANer goes through.
With regard to radiation treatment, we looked into multi-session fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSR). The radiologist’s recommendation to Scarlett was that she have the surgery, for the following reasons: First, Scarlett already had multiple symptoms, and that the purpose of the treatment is to kill the tumor, it would likely not reduce in size, so the symptoms would remain. Second, the tumor had a cyst in the center of it, and the fluid could still increase which would add to the pressure and cause increased symptoms, which could lead to surgery anyway. Third, if she needed the surgery after the radiation treatment there would now be scar tissue, which would make the removal of the tumor off of the nerves more difficult. And fourth, there was a chance that the radiation itself, could cause new tumors down the road, and that they only have records going out about 10 years after treatment, with about 2% resulting in new tumors from the radiation. The radiologist said given that Scarlett was relatively young (just turned 50) that she did not recommend the radiation, but rather surgery. They never said anything about cancer.
I hope this helps in some way. You’ll be in our thoughts,
Rich & Scarlett