its been 1.5 years with SSD and i have been using the regular foam ear plugs to protect my good ear from loud sounds. today, i went to my ENT's open house - they moved to a new location and i thought i visit them. The audiologist did a free hearing test on my good ear and i am happy to say that the right ear is functioning at 100%!
Then i asked about ear plugs, especially musician ear plug - it is a couple hundred dollars with a noise reduction rating of max 25 dB. She introduced me to another ear plug "aquaNot", which is originally designed for swimmers ear but it could be used for noise reduction too, and its rating is better than musician ear (max 27 dB) - the good news is it is A LOT cheaper.
I could not find an official site, but check this out., i am saying "GOOD BYE" to the unfashionable bright orange/yellow foam ear plugs and saying "HELLO" to my very fashionable swirls of pink/red/green silicone ear plugs