People need to know that there is something out there for them if they are hard of hearing or have SSD. I wish I would have known about this earlier in my life.
Too many times I have gone to an EMT or Audiologist and they have said well you have one good ear nothing we can do for you. Not knowing that there was. So I have decided to tell as many people as I can that there is something out their to check it out. Well that and they will see it on my head
. There is a coclear community site on check it out if you have not already. And I think it is a crime that people are fighting with their insurance companies to get this when this would be a big benefit for their lives. It is always about money instead of quality of life I hate here that. I bet CEO of insurance companies if they were SSD or hard of hearing that they would be covered. Well That is am 2 cent at least.