I’m a newbie here. I live in Montreal, Canada and I just learned Monday that I have an AN of 3,4 cm on my left side.
I knew something was wrong for a long time since I’ve been experiencing severe earring loss, “bubble head� effect, tinnitus and facial numbness.
Since Monday, I’ve been reading a lot and I’m preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. For the past year, my quality of life has decreased a lot because of the symptoms. I understand I won’t get my earring back and I live pretty well with the ringing in my ear. However, is there any chance my quality of life will increase after the surgery? I know the weeks or months after the surgery won’t be easy and I’m prepared for that (I think) but is there a chance I’ll be less tired, that my balance problem will eventually go away, that I’ll be able to play softball again (I’ve tried 2 weeks ago and had to stop because I was dizzy)? I’m not one to complain a lot and I’m pretty resilient but I don’t think I could go through with a permanent worsening of my condition.
Thank you
P.S. As you might have suspected, English is not my main language so sorry for any language related errors.