Hi Darin,
Sorry-a bit slow to the party here. Truth be told, I've been limiting my time on this board since finding out my surgery date (this Tuesday, May 26th). Before the date, I was spending hours and hours finding out everything I could. Now, I kind of need to step back and not read the scary stuff anymore. It's out of my hands, and I need to feel confident that I've done all I can to give myself the best outcome. I'm working on picturing myself well and fully able after the surgery. I can picture it-so that must be a good sign, right?
I thought *I* was young! Bah ha ha. I'm 36. Don't burst my bubble. I still feel like I'm 26. Nothing wrong with that.
Like you, I enjoy exercising too. In fact, I plan to play soccer on the night before my surgery!!! My team is supportive and we all think it may be a good distraction. I'm worried about getting back to my running, or doing exercise tapes though, I hope it doesn't take too long. My ENG basically proved to me that my left side balance nerve is dead-as I had no response to the caloric test. I'm hoping that means my balance won't be *too* bad. Guess I'll let you know in a week or so!
Tell ya what, I'll go first. I'll let you know how it went, but only if it's positive. You don't need any more scary outcomes/information!
Take care. Lots of us in the same boat right now. Good thing I love the water!