I always tell patient to go for symmetry. For example, winking one eye, or trying to, is always bad because it usaully causes a lot of facial muscles on the winking side to contract together and cause distortion. The best way to relearn eye close is to look down and close with both eyes.
Thank you for reminding me about closing of the eye. Dr. Rubenstein who did my 12/7 transposition was
so excited to see some synkenesis when I squeezed my left eye shut. ???There was movement in my left upper lip (which is flaccid). So yes, there is some nerve/muscle connection going on ,though the wrong way. This is 18 months post 12/7 transposition, 3 years post AN surgery.
I'm discouraged with his plan.....come back in six months.
I do have muscle movement in some areas of the face, but not around lip/cheek area. Kind of looks sunk in. He doesn't want to do any additional surgery at the moment, but I will look into plastic surgery after the holidays if he still wants to "watch."
I'm confused about what kind of exercises to do. Docs don't say anything. I'm trying acupuncture in a week to see if that will help with movement, since there is nerve innervation now.
I've had some facial massage therapy also. No Neuro muscular facial training per se.
I'm military (tri care) so the options are more limited.
Any insight? ideas?