HI Noelle!
I couldn't agree more with folks here that having someone home with you after surgery is important. My husband took two weeks off and I don't know what I would have done without his help. I used a walker for several days, too.
As for right after surgery, my surgery involved a retrosigmoid approach, but even so, post op is about the same as translab. I had almost no pain - due to grreat meds, nurses, and TLC. I was very tired and don't remember much at all about ICU, but was there for 24 hours after surgery. My hospital stay was 4 days. Some headaches for several days after I got home, but managed with meds very well. Lots of rest, stay on top of the medications they give you, and take your time healling.
I prepared my "nest" at home before surgery trying to anticipate what I might need, and placing things within easy reach. I also bought some really comfy things to wear - especially tops that buttoned up instead of pullovers.
I don't know how large your AN is, but they say the bigger it is now, the easier time you'll have with balance issues post op. That was really the case for me since mine was large - my balance issues were not a big problem at all!!
The worst part was the worry before the surgery and it did help to keep myself busy and focused on getting my house ready and getting things for myself. Like you, I sought out lots of advice so that I was mentally prepared, too. Best of luck to you, Noelle!!!