I can't believe it will be 1 year on June 16 since my retrosig surgery. I got my 1 year MRI done and it looks good. No new growth was detected.
My treatment for headaches with Pamelor seems to be helping alot. It's been weeks since I got one of those debilitating headaches. I still get neck or head pain, but it's much milder, and applying heat to my neck still seems to control it. I used to wake up with neck pain every day--not anymore. Every now and then I get an ear ache, which also makes my face on the AN side hurt.
As for my balance, I don't bump into doorways as often. I still find myself having to dodge them as I get closer to them, but I'm usually successful. A couple of weeks ago I thought I would wear something other than flat shoes. I got so dizzy that it took over a week to recover. I guess I'm not ready for those heels yet--they weren't even that high, but they were skinny heels. I'm ok with the chunkier heels.
I've been out in my garden more often. In fact, I was out there this morning doing things I hadn't felt like doing since my surgery. And the best part is that I don't feel so wonky-headed after dragging the hose around the yard and after pulling weeds.
That's another area where I have improved. The wonky-headedness has subsided a great deal. By the end of the day I'm tired and do get the wonky head, but those days are being outnumbered by normal days.
I had mentioned before that I would wait for the 1 year mark before accepting the new me. Well, I'm at that point and think I can live with the new me.