Author Topic: gold weight implant worth it?  (Read 4149 times)


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gold weight implant worth it?
« on: August 05, 2009, 11:36:11 am »
At about 5 weeks post-op, I met with my surgeon for a follow-up visit.  At that time I was struggling with eye issues - eye did not fully close and use of eye drops that felt good in my eye made it very blurry.  This blurriness limited what I could do - i.e. driving, reading, or using a computer, etc. and I was quite frustrated.   At that time my surgeon recommended that I have a gold weight implanted.  It is now another month-and-a-half later and I am doing much better with the eye issues, thanks to the advice and hints from the ANA Forum.  I have found a combination of eye drops that work pretty well and I am adjusting to working with the blurriness, so that it is manageable most of the time.  So, now I am wondering just how valuable would it be to have a gold weight implanted.  My eye does close at rest, though not all the way or tightly.  I use drops about every 2-3 hours (more if outside), use a thick lubricant at night along with taping at night.  Most people do not notice that I have eye issues, where the facial paralysis with my mouth is noticeable.  I have seen an ophthalmologist who checked my eyes and found no damage at this time.  On this Forum I've read that the gold implant can be painful and can have other issues, while others are very pleased with the results.  I've also read there is an external gold weight and am wondering how that fares for people.  I am only 2 1/2 months post-op and I understand from reading this forum that there is hope that I will get some facial nerve function back - just be patient. One other reason I hesitate about getting this done is that the surgery is 2 1/2 hours away and I am looking at 3 trips in 9 days for surgery and follow-ups.   Is there any compelling reason to have it done now, rather than waiting a bit?  Any thoughts about what I should be considering or questions I should ask the surgeon? :)
Diagnosed March-09 with 2.7 cm x 1.7 cm tumor; Translab surgery (13 hours) - UW Hospitals & Clinics - Madison, WI on May 20,2009;  unresponsive facial nerve post-surgery; doing well with hearing, balance, and taste loss


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Re: gold weight implant worth it?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2009, 11:51:14 am »
I am one of the ones that LOVED having a gold weight, BUT I have permanent facial paralysis.  You are still pretty close out so I would definitely recommend the temporary weight.  For me, the eye surgery was a walk in the park BUT (again) I have no feeling on that side so I am probably NOT the best judge of the pain involved!  I went the 1st 7 years without a weight so I learned to adjust to the blurriness (I even drove then) b/c I used Refresh PM 24/7.  The weight made it a LOT easier as far as not having to put the Refresh in during the day and really just not worrying about it.  I have a temporary one now & only use it when I need it!

Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
Great life!

Cheryl R

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Re: gold weight implant worth it?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2009, 11:54:23 am »
I was told that I should have one done in 2006 after my facial neuroma surgery.          I had that surgery and then 2 weeks later a CSF leak surgery.             I would have made the several more  2 1/2 hr trips also if had the implant done.          I chose not to.    I had had AN surgery in 2001 with paralysis for 3 1/2 mos  and probably had to watch the eye a bit longer but did fine.     I knew that if I did have worse eye issues than I expected could go ahead with it.           I got along fine.        I knew too well how to keep the eye lubricated.     I now only occ have to give it a drop and do put in gel at night with nothing else done to it as have closure.                       I am probably an exception and know many who have had it are very happy they did.  
                                                      Cheryl R
Right mid fossa 11-01-01
  left tumor found 5-03,so have NF2
  trans lab for right facial nerve tumor
  with nerve graft 3-23-06
   CSF leak revision surgery 4-07-06
   left mid fossa 4-17-08
   near deaf on left before surgery
   with hearing much improved .
    Univ of Iowa for all care


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Re: gold weight implant worth it?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2009, 12:46:36 pm »
I give my platinum weight an enthusiastic thumbs-up. I think I got it at ten weeks out, and wished I had it from the start. I had zero problems with the surgery, not even any bruising, and no drooping.

If you are perfectly comfortable with the status quo, you probably don't need to get one. On the other hand, if it will give you any relief at all, don't put it off.

MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
left side facial paresis
 12/100 facial function - 7/29/08
 46 - 11/25/08
 53 - 05/12/09
left side SSD approx. 4 weeks
 low-frequency hearing loss; 85% speech recognition 7/28/08
1.8 gram thin profile platinum eyelid weight 8/12/08
Fitted for scleral lens 5/9/13


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Re: gold weight implant worth it?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2009, 12:58:36 pm »
My surgeon suggested one right away but my eye doc said to wait. Now I'm 8 months out, I've had a tarrsoraphy and that has made me able to close my eye at rest although I'm still waiting for a complete blink during the day. I know a lot of people are against the tarrsoraphy but for me it's been great. It doesn't look too bad, not any worse than I looked before, and my eye feels so much better. It is allowing the small amount of movement I have in my eyelid to close my eye and as i get more strength (hopefullly) they will open the tarrsoraphy. I only use the liquigels a few times during the day and Puralube at night. Best of all, I sure don't miss taping my eye at night!!
Left side 3.2cm AN/FN removed 12/8/08 Dr's. Shelton and Reichman. SSD, facial paralysis,taste issues, lateral tarrsoraphy 6/25/09,scheduled for eye and nasal valve surgery 6/22/11 life is GOOD!


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Re: gold weight implant worth it?
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2009, 09:17:30 am »
Yes!!!! the surgery was only 5 minutes... I was in and out and home watching TV a couple of hours...

I did need the day off (it was a Friday) (took a little pain med) .. and was back to work Monday

It made my eye soo much better!!!.. I kicked myself a few times for not doing it sooner...
4 cm AN/w BAHA Surgery @House Ear Clinic 08/09/05
Dr. Brackmann, Dr. Hitselberger, Dr. Stefan and Dr. Joni Doherty
1.7 Gram Gold Eye weight surgery on 6/8/07 Milford,CT Hospital