Author Topic: bad taste in mouth  (Read 19002 times)


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Re: bad taste in mouth
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2006, 09:11:35 am »
Boppie, Goooooood Morning to you!  Yeah, I'll take my deafness over the colostomy ANY day. ugh
Yes, it would be interesting to see/hear about the tongue/nerve healing study.  We could be the "study" group!!!!  Ya' know that your sense of taste is connected to the sense of smell...thank goodness that has/still works great...

Early in recovery, I remember that hot sauce, soda, and my favorite junk food tasted like cardboard, burned the heck out of my mouth, soda tasted worse than Alka Seltzer and Perrier Water mixed together.....not now though. 

I also had to eat/chew really slow, which is actually better for digestion, wish that would have stuck around I have to "think" slow down more.  I eat slow anyway, but my husband eats like a pirrhana (sp) ;D 

Matti, I've never had issues with salt, so don't put salt on the nails we're eating! ::)

luv2teach, my old cravings Cheetos, Oreos, and Chunky Monkey, I just give in and have some.  Just not often.  I can't even be in the same room with that stuff, so I keep it out of the house.  Otherwise, I'd swell up like a balloon.  Guess, what I'm saying, yeah cravings are usually a sign of something missing in you're diet somewhere...I wonder about the nutritional value of Cheetos ? LOL  Ya' know my motto is "anything in moderation is alright"


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Re: bad taste in mouth
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2006, 09:15:43 am »
I will think of you every morning, and we should write from time to time
Boppie, I would love for you to write to me, that would be awesome!!!!
E-mail me offlist, I will look forward to hearing from you ;D


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Re: bad taste in mouth
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2006, 01:47:48 pm »
Do you remember the teasing eye/head exercises?  I decided to do the same with my taste problems. 

I worked on identifying smells and testing myself on intensity.  I started testing pinches of sugar, salt, all sorts of foods but nothing too acidic that might harm weak tissue.  I took mental notes on "Can I feel hot"?, "Can I feel cold"?  Where on my tongue is the bud map numb?  I discovered my tongue had a mid line curl that was straight before surgery.  As my taste sense improves this curve changes.  I realized just lately that the numb side is laying down flat at night when at first it was pulled up.  As the tongue relaxes the saliva improves.  Who'da thunk that this organ is so smart?  All of this stuff sounds nuts and obsessive, but it is my way of dealing with a hoped for recovery.  The very reason to writing to this nuts place is to find other nuts anyway! ;D


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Re: bad taste in mouth
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2006, 01:56:48 pm »
I remember the eye/head exercises, how creative of you to hook that into the taste buds.  I would'nt have even thought about

As for nuts, would you like some Planters???? lol,

It's great to be able to talk to other "nuts" who understand us isn't it?!

I agree our body is an amazing machine, and tries it's best to keep up with us messing around with it.  It's natural wish is to be happy and healthy no matter what we do, it has wisdom of it's own. 

Boppie I got your e-mail, yes, it worked :o

See ya' soon, have a great Friday, and "taste" all life has to offer today, that's my motto for the day. ;) ;) ;) ;)