Nervous before Brain surgery? Never. . .
I remember before my surgery that the upcoming "adventure" was all I could talk about. I got sick of hearing myself, but talking definitely helped. My daugher and I would talk, and then stop each other with the word "speculation", because we kept talking about various scenarios. There are so many potential outcomes that it is confusing. By researching what could happen, it helped me to sort out how my outcome fit into the broad range. When the doctors talked about my case with me I was able to fit my outcome into the range that I had read about. (Helpful if you are as analytical like I am, some find it more helpful to not know what "might" happen and just learn as they go)
There are two things that I advise for that waiting period prior to surgery. Walk alot to strengthen your cardiovascular strength. I found that walking was not only good for my heart, but gave me an outlet for all that pent up energy and made me feel good. Where I walk in the woods gave me peaceful memories that I would draw on when I wanted to mentally escape what was going on around me. It was good to have as a goal to return to walk there as soon as I could,
The second thing is to accept help. People constantly asked what they could do for me, and I would say nothing but prayer - although that itself is big. But one friend asked more insistently and I really started to try to think of things people could do because they really do want to help. I asked one girlfriend to please walk my dogs while I was laid up. Another friend offered a free massage, which really helped - and also got her a lot of business when I got home and needed regular cranial sacral massage for my spinal fluid flow. Ask one of your friends to help coordinate meals when you are recovering so that you don't have 6 casseroles arriving at the same time!
Do special things with your kids and loved ones - and take LOTS of pictures. Those memories will carry you through the tough days ahead. Oops, that was three pieces of advice!!
Before you know it, the time will be up.
p.s. Sorry, but I do have a fourth bit of advice - get some cool new slippers for the hospital