sorry i have not had a lot of time or the opportunity to write a long one-year update as i planned.
so here i am 13 months post-op today and i feel like i better write something now before the TWINS arrive and really mess with my time! (yes, STILL pregs. just hit the 36 week mark, and the ultrasound last week shows both are between 5.5. and 6lbs.... so pretty happy about this!).
i am doing well despite the regular facial issues that some are familar with with (eye that won't completely close, and does not tear), some teeth showing but not like i was before. my one year with the opthamologist shows my cornea is doing well despite no weight and still not having full closure. i use the drops and ointment, and manage fine. i might look into the weight several months down the road, but babes first.
i was seeing a facial therapist (doing bio-feedback and some exercises), but decided he is not doing much for me and since the BF is out of pocket expense, i won't be going back. besides, i am having trouble getting around with this huge belly!! i have a belated follow up MRI (my first since surgery, as i got pregs) in August so I will see if the surgeon can recommend another therapist.
i suffered from some hearing issues with my good ear in the past 2 months (all sorted now), which was HORRIBLE and makes you realize that you are both vulnerable (being SSD) and lucky (to have one good ear).
anyway, i don't worry too much about my face, i think it continues to recover slowly and i have symmetry at rest. i am hopeful for continued recovery in the months ahead.
will let you all know when the boys arrive.
best to all!