Thanks EVERYBODY for replying and being so supportive. I really needed to hear from you. Everybody has unique experiences, but total one-sided vestibular loss affects us all. To the gang and Larry, you're a hoot. Larry ought to post a picture with his leisure suit.
Static, sorry about the trying times at work, and Batty, I've applied for disability, too, as you can see. One of the real shifts I'm having to make is that my value doesn't lie in working. I was a workaholic, and my self-esteem was really tied up in that. Not to mention not having any income--my poor husband, but he's been a real trooper. At least I have someone to help out financially.
Batty, if you find your friend, appreciate it if he will let me contact him.
Sounds like I just have to keep pushing myself, esp to exercise. What happens is, I push, then I collapse the next day, very predictable. So it's like I pay for trying hard! Will be upping my anti-depressants soon, so that should help.
Thanks again,