Author Topic: Book recommendation  (Read 2584 times)


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Book recommendation
« on: July 12, 2009, 07:24:57 am »
I read this book many years ago but am planning to reread it soon now that I have a new perspective on the issue of hearing loss. It occurred to me that it might be a good read for others, too!

The author, Henry Kisor, became deaf as a toddler and went on to spend years as the book editor of the Chicago Sun-Times -- raise a family -- and pilot planes as a hobby! The book has been described as a "memoir of deafness" with a lot of insight and humor.
Facial nerve hemangioma. Probable dx 7/2008 confirmed 4/2009. Combo middle fossa and translab to remove the blood vessel malformation and snip ruined hearing and balance nerves by Drs. House and Brackmann @ House 6/2009. Doing great!