Dear all,
My name is Pim and I live in The Netherlands. I just learnt of your great Forum and hope you can be of help to me.
Recently I was diagnosed with an Acoustic Neuroma.
I am 59 years old, meaning there will be lots of time for the effects of radiation to emerge later in life. I have a mild decreased hearing at left side, marginal tinnitus and balance problems. Facial function is normal, no brainstem compression.
The length of the tumor of 17 mm, cross diameter outside the canal is 8 mm
Could you please comment on my research so far:
Fundamental decision
Surgical resection has a high risk of hearing loss, a meaningful risk of facial nerve damage and other risks, associated with surgery such as infection, swelling, anesthesia. There are quality of life risks as well: ongoing post treatment symptoms such as intense headache.
In view of these issues, radiation surgery seems to be the better choice for me.
Gamma knife vs. CyberKnife
On the radiation surgery, two competing technologies are available for me: Gamma knife and CyberKnife. Both have comparable tumor control rates and the risk of facial nerve damage is in both cases negligibly small. There is one key difference between the two (apart from the headframe drilled into the patient’s skull in case of Gamma knife): Gamma knife delivers radiation in a single dose while CyberKnife delivers radiation in 3-5 fractions.
Question 1: is there any difference in the medical efficacy of single dose vs. fractionated delivery of radiation?
Hearing preservation rates seem to be much better in case of CyberKnife. This is important for me as I still have ‘useful hearing’ (G-R scale I). According to most radiation surgeons, that I talked to, this is due to the more friendly fractionated delivery of radiation to the nerves and surrounding tissue.
Question2: is there any relationship between single dose or fractionated delivery and the hearing preservation rate?
Question 3: do you need exact planning of inside canal dose of radiation necessary to reduce the cochlear radiation dose if hearing is to be preserved?