Hey Guys- I ran accross this site- I'm sure everyone might have seen it already with their research but if not here it is. Would be nice to know what type of damage was done-
Temporary paresis is common after tumor surgery. Recovery depends on the degree of conduction block in the nerve.
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Conduction block terminology
Mild block
Mild block occurs when there is a disturbance in the metabolic activity in the nerve axon so that nerve impulses cannot be transmitted. Recovery often begins in three weeks after surgery.
Moderate block
Moderate block occurs when the metabolic activity in the axon is severely damaged. Recovery requires regrowth of the axoplasm within the axon tube. Recovery typically begins in three months after surgery
Severe block
Severe block occurs when the axon tube degenerates before the axoplasmic growth can form a new axon. Recovery typically begins six to nine months after surgery, depending on the site of disruption of the axon tube (modification of Sunderland's classification).