Hi Everyone,
Thank you for being such a safety net for me! My children have been driving me crazy with concern and their reaction to the news of my AN. They are all so scared about how fast it appears to be growing and the fact that I want to wait to get into the House, which will take a couple of months. To say the least I have been overwhelmed, and as a result I often simply withdraw until I feel strong enought to deal with everything again. I think it is called survival mode.
Anyways now to the real topic of this post. I have had these "issues" prior to finding out about the tumor but they seem to be increasing. In the past I have blamed them on stress and now I really wonder. So here goes...at times I feel like my sinuses are so full that they are going to explode. I don't have any real "congestion" that I am aware of, it just feels like they are so full it hurts. My head hurts when this is going on and lights are uncomfortable. I also feel somewhat sick at my stomach, reminds me of being pregnant (NO! I am not pregnant, I have been a widow for 20 months now so unless I am a medical oddity the answer is no way). But the worst is an "electrical storm" in my head. I have struggled with this for about three years now and it is like I hear electrical shortages in my head. I feel like I could pass out during these and the best thing to do is to lay down.
So, could all of this be related to my tumor, is it really just from stress, or do you think that it is a whole new can of worms going on in my head? Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks again for all of the love and support from such a great group of "strangers" who have become a new family.