Jim, you are so right. I never watch this program and tuned into it strictly by chance, simply because I watched previously What not to Wear and TV stayed on that channel overnight. What made me listen is that the lady had increasing, incapacitating headaches, just like mine were. The difference, of course, is that mine were after the surgery, not before it. I immediately thought about an MRI with and without contrast as a diagnostic tool, which was eventually done on her and led to this diagnosis. The rest, I feel, is very sensationalized, meaning there are more surgeons than mentioned that can remove the tumor and the fact that schwannoma does not spread. The word "spread" is used to describe malignancies, not benign tumors which by their very definition do not spread and stay localized. They can grow, however, and can kill if they press on vital organs.Yes, the surgery is very delicate but an overwhelming majority of people don't die and eventually recover.
I also realized that this program wants the "Happy End" and I would not be a good case because I would be an example of "constant struggle"!
Phyl, regardless of my struggles, that would be great if the program featured AN because that would increase the public's and (maybe) doctor's awareness of it and will lead to a quicker and simpler diagnosis for some people. Just don't give my e-mail to producers, I don't think they want it!