My balance issues were minor pre surgery, things I thouhgt I was just clumsy, but looking back, realize it was my balance going bad. After the surgery, It was HORRIBLE. lots of vestibular rehab exercises and lots of walking got me to about 70% by the 2.5 yr mark, then it started going back the wrong way. I'm now at I'd say 30-40% of normal, going in for round 2 to get the regrowth out. Like Stoneax, my brain is getting false signals from the remaining piece of the nerve that was left attached to the hearing nerve. (Guess they have to leave a smidgen of it on to salvage haring w/mid fosa). I pray that getting the rest of it gone w/ Translab will finally allow my brain to compensate and get back some of my balance.
I have observed with many posts and looking over this one. It seems people with larger tumors and that had Translab seemed to have more balance problems before the surgery and fewer after than with middle fosa or retro. Just my observation, seems saving the hearing means dealing with worse balance problems.
Patti UT