I am afraid that I could possibly have an AN and am looking for insights based on my symptoms and history. I have a follow up appoint with the ENT next week and I plan to press for an MRI to be sure. Below are my symptoms and history. Thank you in advance for any advice.
About a year and a half ago, I noticed that my hearing was muffled in the right ear. Normal conversations weren't too bad, but I could notice trouble hearing soft talkers or in crowded venues. A subsequent hearing test revealed a 20% reduction and I was diagnosed with idiopathic unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (although the ENT said it could be Meneier's disease).
Symptoms at the time included the unilateral sensorineural hearing loss, a very occasional slight imbalance sensation (but never spinning vertigo), occasional ringing tinnitus and more frequent crackling/popping sounds in the affected ear. Also, I was experiencing frequent (yet intermittent) pulsating tinnitus that is best described as a swooshing sound that is in perfect sync with my pulse (also in the affected ear). It was only noticeable when quiet and still; mostly lying down.
The Meneier's route seems unlikely, because I had none of the classic symptoms, plus an ENG test turned up nothing. The doctor put my on a water pill and low sodium diet and retested my hearing to no improvement. At the time, an ABR and CT scan revealed nothing unusual.
About three months ago, I developed an ear ache behind my ear which persisted for a couple of weeks leading up to my follow up with the ENT. He retested the hearing and the results hadn’t changed; still a 20% hearing loss. I told him about the ear ache and he dismissed it because the ear drum looked fine, but indicated I should follow up if it persisted, rather than wait for the next 6 month check up. Since that appointment, the ear pain has persisted for 3 months. It is an intermittent throbbing pain behind the ear that radiates around the top, back and bottom and feels like it is farther inside my head than simply the eardrum. The pain feels like a dull pressure induced pain rather than a sharp, shooting pain but can be intense, however bearable. It comes and goes several times a day and rarely skips a day.
For a couple of weeks, the ringing tinnitus was more frequent, but that has subsided. Lately, the crackling, pressure type noises have subsided also. I occasionally get slightly off balance, but not dizzy or vertigo. I have no facial numbness or vision problems.
I realize the symptoms can vary and I also recognize the rarity of AN’s. I don’t want to jump to conclusions or self diagnose, but if anyone can validate these symptoms as something of concern then I would feel less of a hypochondriac pressing the doctor for an MRI.