I've only got 10 lbs. to lose, but you need me for comic relief! Besides--I'd really really short. Dr. Love went fishing at 6:00 this morning--of course he woke me totally up looking for everyting before he left, so I got up and had 1/2 a Ghirardelli Toffee Interlude for before breakfast, breakfast, and then the other half after breakfast for breakfast dessert.
My name is Captain Deb (sobs) and I'm a.....a....a......CHOCOHOLIC!
There I said it. I am powerless over chocolate and my life is unmanagable.
Monday would be a good day to fess up and check in. I joined the local gym 2 weeks ago and I have been 4 (count 'em--four) whole times! Progress, not perfection, I always sez!
But HEY! a year ago I could hardly get out of bed--constant migraines and hole in stomach from meds. So now I can do 3 miles on a treadmill--I'M AWWWWWESOMMMMME!
Yeehaw -- ladies--we're ALLLL AWWWWWESOOOOOME!!!
Captain Deb