Author Topic: Wait and watch  (Read 2166 times)


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Wait and watch
« on: August 12, 2009, 05:59:18 pm »
      I am new to hear my AN is 4mm I was wondering has anyone had one that small removed? And would it be better to have it removed before it got bigger? Thanks for the help.



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Re: Wait and watch
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2009, 06:53:50 pm »
Hi Brian

Sorry for your diagnosis, but welcome to the forum.

I have been reading the forum for months and people with your size AN are doing all three options watch and wait, radiosurgery and surgery.  It all depends on their own particular situation; symptoms, personal preference(as in I have to get this out of my head or I want to treat it before it gets any worse)  and knowledge and comfort of the ramifications of their choices.   Others have had small AN's  successfully removed surgically so rest assured it is possible.  I know that ANOTHER NYC NEWBIE has surgery scheduled for next month and she has a 5mm AN.   Please know that these tumors are benign and you have time to make a decision.  There are many others that I consider " the experts" who will be able to give you more information I am sure they will be along soon.  Good Luck!

Take care,
DX: 12/6/08
1.4cm intracanicular -Middle Fossa Surgery on 7/1/09 @ NYU. Hearing preserved and speech discrimination has actually gotten better!!   Temporary Facial Paralysis- showing improvement.  1yr post-op hearing test- same 96% speech recognition- yeah!


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Re: Wait and watch
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2009, 07:54:53 pm »
Thank you Darlene I appreciate it

Keeping Up

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Re: Wait and watch
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2009, 08:11:29 pm »
Hi Brianthomas

I too have a small tumor (a bit bigger than yours).  And do see others getting treated with small tumors.

For me, I have chosen to wait it out and see what happens, understanding the risks of waiting.  It is right for me.

You will find the right path for you.

There is a whole watch & wait section - there are several of us here on this plan.


dx Dec/08 - 5mm x 8mm AN
'watch and wait'


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Re: Wait and watch
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2009, 04:03:44 am »
Hi Brianthomas!

Welcome to the Forum! (But sorry that you had the join the AN club.)
I was misdiagnosed for over 12+ years - so really didn't choose Watch & Wait, but ended up there anyway.

ANs are benign and slow growing, so you have time to research, research, research! 
It is also important to find doctors who have experience with ANs when seeking treatment, so make sure you ask them lots and lots of questions.

Nobody wants to have an AN...  I am here because my sister had symptoms, went to an ENT and had a diagnosis in just a few months!
So, then i went to ANOTHER ENT at a major medical center and asked for an MRI - never thought i would have to do that!

We are here for you - and know that you have just met the most FANTASTIC group of folks  ;D  that will respond to your questions.

Take care and keep posting.
Little sister to Bigsister!
9mm X 6mm X 5mm
Misdiagnosed 12+ years?
Diagnosed Sept. 2008/MRI 4/09/MRI 12/09/MRI 1/21/11
Continued W & W

Jim Scott

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Re: Wait and watch
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2009, 11:53:27 am »
Brian ~ although I'm sorry you have an AN diagnosis, hello and welcome.

The decision to address a small AN (with surgery or radiation) is a very personal choice and many factors go into that decision.  The tumor's small size offers you the widest range of choices, including observation ('Watch-and-Wait).  Observation may be desirable if MRI scans are performed fairly frequently (semi-annually) to note any sudden growth of the tumor.   However, every doctor may well have a different suggestion and as we constantly note - every AN patient has a (slightly) different experience, meaning that there are no hard and fast 'rules' to guide your treatment decision, only suggestions and observations from other AN patients.   

My suggestion is that you continue your AN research and I'm sure you'll eventually come to a treatment decision that works for you - or simply choose to observe a bit longer if no change in the tumor is detected.  We try to offer whatever we can to help you.  Just ask.  :)

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.

Vivian B.

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Re: Wait and watch
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2009, 11:17:32 am »
Hi Brianthomas,

Welcome to the forum. I agree with Sue. AN's are usually very slow growing. So all of us at some point were in W and W as we didn't even know it was there. Yours is small and you have many options. do your research, ask questions and you will be o.k.

CPA AN(most likely meningioma) 1.6cm by 1.5cm by 1.9cm diagnosed early March 09. Watch and Wait.

Nancy Drew

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Re: Wait and watch
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2009, 01:23:17 pm »

Do you have any symptoms with you AN?  Mine was found by accident, and I wasn't having any issues at the time so decided to W&W.  It grew a little bit in 2008 and was affecting my hearing, even though slightly.  I struggled with my decision about what to do because I had docs telling me I was OK to go either way....continue to W&W or radiation.  They didn't suggest surgery in my case.  They thought since it was small and in a safe location radiation would be the way to go.  I went with GK since they have a good center here in Denver.  What convinced me to go ahead with treatment is that my doc said even small ANs can cause problems, and I liked the fact that less radiation was going into my head since the AN was so small.  So far I haven't lost any of my hearing since GK.  I am having some balance issues which I didn't have before GK.  My balance nerve is compromised 71%.  A few frustrating problems, but I think things will get better or I will get used to the issues.  That is what folks here on the board say.  Hard to make a decision, and everyone is right about your having time.  Best wishes on your journey, and I am sorry that you have an AN to worry with.

12/05 AN diagnosed left ear 4.5mm
06/08 6mm
Gamma Knife 10/21/08
1 year MRI  6.8mm x 5.5mm
2 year MRI  5.9mm x 4.9mm
3 year MRI  6.5mm x 6.0mm 
Slight Hearing Loss Post GK

Swedish Gamma Knife Center
Englewood, CO
Dr. Robert Feehs


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Re: Wait and watch
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2009, 04:56:00 pm »
Hello Brian and welcome to this Forum .....

As the others have said, at 4 mm you should have several treatment choices.  I have a couple of questions:

1) Was your AN discovered by accident (MRI for some other reason) or are you having symptoms?
2) If having symptoms, are they related to hearing, dizziness, or facial issues?

My advice is to continue with your research (take a break if it gets too overwhelming) and be watchful for any changes in symptoms.  Treatment choice can be so different depending upon the location of your tumor, your symptoms, and your personal comfort level with each option.

Best wishes and let us know how you are doing.

Right MVD for trigeminal neuralgia, 1994, Pittsburgh, PA
Left retrosigmoid 2.6 cm AN removal, February, 2008, Duke U
Tumor regrew to 1.3 cm in February, 2011
Translab AN removal, May, 2011 at HEI, Friedman & Schwartz
Oticon Ponto Pro abutment implant at same time; processor added August, 2011