"Stable" ie no change in size of tumor! Also my hearing in AN ear reads the same if not a tiny bit better with word discrimination. (2yrs. now) Whew, See ya next year! Anyhow I feel a little better about mentioning what I and my wife have done to try and at least stay W+W. After comunicating with Dereck here W+W and incorporating a few of his lifestyle ideas I came up with some of my own. First was a big change in eating habits along with many supplements. Changed coffee to very moderate and used Green Tea every day along with many other good herbal teas. Also alcohol in very moderation. We take a special male/female multi vitimin, extra gram of vitimin C, omega369, fennel seed, lutien, glucosimine condroiten MSM combo, resveratrol, extra folic acid, shark cartilidge, bee pollin complex, bee propolis ,probotic acidophilus, Phosphatidylserine, Ginko Biloba, red rice yeast for high colesteriol, saw palmetto for prostrate, sea kelp for thyroid. The different foods incorporated in my diet was more fish (salmon) spinich, blueberrys, strawberrys, honey, just to mention a few along with as much other nutrishous food as possible. Very moderate on junk food. Exercise program is a must along with cardiovascular workout. Most of all a strong belief in what you believe in! Yes, that higher power of love and goodness. I do believe this combonation of things is really helping my wife and myself. We feel pretty good since. Hoping it will help others. Best wishes, Mickey