I did not drive for a long time (10 weeks).. once I was no longer sensitive to light,(because it was hard to see, not a balance thing) I drove around town ..(keep in mine I'm working full time at this time). I do drive to work now (40 miles one way), which it close to professional driving as you can get without being a race care driver. ..... and my wife is driving home -- now that it getting light out after work I can start driving home ..
  Keep in mine I could of been driving sooner, but I chose not to because I did not need to, my wife's job takes her near close to mine so we commute togeter!! My night time vision STILL is not good as would like so I avoid driving at night becuase of the blurry vision because of the drops...
I might add that my eye Dr. was actually surpised last time I saw him that I was not driving .. it was MY choice .. driving around town is one thing ,, driving to work at 80 mph is another .. I wanted to wait untill my vision was good enough ..
my Rule, Don't Mix ---- Drink, Drive or Lacri-Lube
but Drink and Lacri-lube is fine