Tim gave a very detailed answer with some smart questions. I would add that the things you mention in your post are skin growths -- and an AN does not arise in an area with skin. So literally, no, I don't think it could be a wart or skin tag.
Could it be something other than an AN? Yes, but as I learned from experience, it doesn't matter all that much, in that any type of "growth" in that area ultimately acts like an AN (putting pressure on the same nerves), leading to the same symptoms and same outcomes and same treatment options (though radiation was not an option for my type of tumor, a hemangioma, it still would be for some of the other possible variations, like a meningioma, I believe.)
ANs are the usual assumption because they are by far the most common tumor in that area, and they have a characteristic shape. A CT scan can provide additional information if there's a reason to look for something else. As young as he is, and if he's had hearing loss for awhile, I wonder if they will investigate NF2, as Jan suggested, or other rare types of tumors like even a hemangioma (which are present from birth?) But if you are WW and symptoms are not progressing, maybe you can just go on like that!
I know you must be terribly worried about your son -- I kept thinking the only thing that must be worse than contemplating this surgery for yourself is contemplating it for a child! But if you view surgery as a "worst-case," based on my own experience, I am quite sure your young, healthy son would do just fine even if he wound up having to go that route!