I'm new here so please excuse me if I discuss something that has already been discussed before; I just can't possibly read everything that has been posted before I registered. Forgive me.
Okay this is my story.................I am from Georgia and was diagnosed March 2nd with AN,my regular ENT referred me to another ENT specialist in North Carolina. He said he would suggest me to either go to Los Angeles or Charlotte, so needless to say, uhm, I'm going to the one closest to home. I have my first appointment with my new ENT this upcoming Wednesday and we're already planning the surgery. He said that I have a small tumor, but because of where it is located IT MUST COME OUT to avoid facial paralysis;
it's already pressing on my facial nerves. Anyway, I work as a pharmacy technician and for about a year or so I (along with my boss) have noticed that my mind had started to come and go. I don't know how to describe it, it just seemed like it would just quit working and there was nothing I could do about it no matter how hard I tried. Just since this past December I noticed that my RIGHT eyelid started twitching ALL THE TIME, NON-STOP, and I also began to get very clumsy, ie..spilling pills----NOT GOOD!!!!, dropping things, spilling gallons of milk, ...everything ! My ear felt full, but I didn't think much of that.  I have bad sinus problems so I don't usually think much about it when my ears get kinda stuffy. I just take some decongestants and keep on keeping on. However, I do alot of my work on the phone speaking with customers and one day I noticed that with my LEFT ear I could not understand a single syllable the customer was saying on the other end of the phone. I quickly switched ears and it was clear as a bell. Well, I put off going to the doctor thinking it was just fluid in my ears from my sinuses, and I had missed lots of work with my child out sick. Finally I did go, and the GP said that he couldn't see anything wrong in my left ear, but since I had trouble hearing for so long, something MUST be wrong so he gave me a ZPak. It did nothing. Finally I decided to make myself an appt. with an ENT and he said that my ear looked as healthy as anyone would want to have. He said it had absolutely NO fluid, etc.....etc.... Well, he did confirm that I had significant hearing loss in my LEFT ear. He gave me prednisone for 10 days, still nothing. I went back to him again. My hearing loss had decreased much more just within 10 days.  For the past month, I have had about 3 bouts with massive migraines with nausea and vomiting. i don't get migraines. These were debilitating. I had to leave work because of them. Anyway, before I went back to see the ENT, I had been reading my medical books as I so love to do, and diagnosed myself with AN. I suggested it to him and he said "naw, it's a different KIND of hearing loss." Yeah, right. Sure 'nough, that's what I had. The day I went for my MRI I woke up with a double case of pink eye and the worst sinus infection I have ever had. I treated that and during that week of treatment my RIGHT eye (remember, the one that twitched all the time) got a bursted blood vessel all of a sudden. Maybe it was from all the sinus pressure, but it all just seems so strange and coincidental. I don't know.
Now, my thing is this....  FIRST OF ALL, i want to know if any of you have ever in your life heard of your eye, opposite the side of your AN, twitching and blood vessels bursting, etc.? I mean, since AN is a nerve disorder, and there are nerves that cross over from your eyes to the other side of your brain....like in stroke victims (paralysis on the opposite side of the site of the stroke). Can this be in AN also? Have ANY of you experienced anything like this? Please tell me I'm not crazy ! In my lifetime I have had my eye to twitch before, but it would eventually quit after a day or so. Not this time ! This has been going on for months. The more I thought about it, I noticed it before my hearing loss occured.
SECOND OF ALL: In all the literature I have read on AN, I haven't seen much about PAIN. Yes, I've seen where some have migraines, and there is some pain after surgery, but I haven't seen much about PAIN as a symptom. Just within the last week or so, I will have a spell every now and then with pain in my affected ear and side of face. It woke me this morning. It went away without meds, and about 5pm came back again stronger than before. Is this normal?  Has anyone ever experienced this? I just haven't seen anyone say anything like some of the things I've experiened.  I just wanted to know if I'm just that weird or if it's psychosomatic, or what?
?? Please tell me I'm not weird or crazy....please.
sorry this is so long, but you didn't have anything else to do but eat and watch reality shows, right? lol
Have a great day !!!