thanks Kate... yep, out here in E. MA.
Hi Laura,
As we know, there are extreme many reasons for hearing loss and AN is only one of many reasons. If your friend has the MRI (open or closed) with contrast, the contrast is the key for picking up any kinds of growths, incl AN's. If she had the MRI with constrast and no growth (thank goodness!) was found, IMO, she should continue to work with her ENT to try to find reasons. Example, my grandmother has extreme tinnitus over the years, cause unknown (growth ruled out). My mom has a perferated ear drum and has hearing loss..... so, it could be for a number of reasons.
I had my head MRI this past weekend... open MRI/magnet with contrast. I have the CD of my films that I am bringing into Boston this week. Have learned how to read my films (with help from the docs). Can clearly see the AN (albeit, looking quite dead right now). So, for me, the open magnet with contrast did just fine.
Here's hoping your friend finds answers soon... and that your situation/decision-making process brings you results you seek.