An itsy bitsy SPIDER!!!! C'mon, us wenches can take care o' our own SPIDERS can't we???
One evening I was relaxing in my living room--in my old bachelor pad. I heard a funny big PLOP coming from across the room. As I walked over to the noise (still had directional hearing then) I saw one of my hanging plant baskets swinging. I looked down at the floor and there....curled up on the floor.........was foot...........
BLACK SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It had been hanging out in the basket and had gotten ther by crawling along one of the ceiling beams.
I screamed AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Luckily, Dr. LUUUUURVVE was visiting and was in the studio---he came running into the room, picked up the snake with his BARE HANDS, and took it outside! It was right there and then that I decided I would have to marry him!!
Captain Deb