I am fine, I really am -- and doing better since I've created my alter ego Alice Rapunzel to tend to all the surgical sequelae. You know the things I mean, dry eye, dizziness (from multiple causes), drippy nervous dog nose that can turn into an excruciating, run to the ER headache -- nasal congestion and obstruction, monster eye (always a favorite), trying to avoid developing phobias of the outdoors, walking, exercise, grocery stores, wind, rain and strong aromas -- telling strangers to please sit on their hands and not gesture -- asking passing neighbors who stopped to admire my flowers to please excuse me while I grab and swing from the porch post -- trying to organize my thoughts and speak in a semi-intelligent fashion at a specialists office after being marched down hall upon endless hall -- having no idea I'd lapsed into "wonky head" and started to walk out of the cardiologists examining room when he said, "Don't you want to change back into your own blouse?" I was wearing their smock and my jeans. Oh yes, and the grandkids especially love my sensitivity to noise and light and motion.
The 7 surgeons did an excellent, incredible 16 hour job -- but their communication and after care really sucked. My PC and various specialists give me the impression I'm some kind of vampire to be warded off with the phrases, "You had such a BIG surgery" (well, my job was to be asleep) -- and my favorite "You're just going to have to learn to live with it, because it was a BIG surgery." Patooye!
I've spent this summer peeling all these symptoms apart like an onion. The facial nerve is So much more involved that just the pirate smile and dry eye. I've followed up with local specialists, but each treat their own piece. I got sufficient information that now the eye and the nose are sort of on a maintenance plan. Unfortunately all of it has me restricted pretty much to a couple of cool, dimly lit rooms in my house - Hence, Rapunzel through the Looking Glass, or Alice Rapunzel, for short. The facial nerve seems to be the proverbial redheaded stepchild. But, I have a plan...