Hello all,
I've posted a couple of times prior, but wanted to officially come out of "lurk" status. I discovered this board shortly after discovering I had a freeloader living in my noggin, and have been checking in regularly to read posts since that time.
My AN was discovered incidentally while doing an enhanced MRI of my brachial plexus to figure out the cause of my chronic neck/shoulder/back pain (on the opposite side of my person). Got way more than I bargained for. Was sent for a follow-up the following week to confirm. My AN is but a wee one, only 5mm, but is apparently fearful of my brain and so has decided take up residence as far away as possible from any firing neurons by jamming itself squarely up against my cochlea at the far end of my IAC on the left side.
Big thanks to the best radiology tech on the planet, without whom I might have never known that something was definitely wrong. You see, it has been over two months since my inital MRI and, to this date, my original neurologist has YET to let me know I have a tumor. Only returned one of my calls, to tell me they did not yet have my results (turns out, they did). Had to make the diagnosis and do all research myself after demanding my records from his office. I read the MRI report alone in the car, got home and almost broke the internet googling up all things acoustic neuroma, then followed up with "real" doctors and got confirmation that it was, indeed, an AN.
Thanks to my tech's subtle hints, I knew it wasn't just "a fluke" as the neuro nurse had said it might be, I knew which side it was on, and knew that I was going to need to look beyond my local neuro for answers.
Many thanks to all on here who have unknowingly helped me with my AN education over the past couple of months as I sneaked about, reading a multitude of posts. This board and those on here have proven to be an invaluable resource!