I am 5+ months out from surgery and as some of you know the story, no facial weakness but the surgeons did leave a bit of tumor on the facial nerve because it wouldn't come off. So...
in the last week or two I've had two bits of facial twitching, I don't think visibly noticeable but enough for me to say "wow". Also, I am having a choking feeling when I eat or drink sometimes which I had before surgery but not since until now. Like I'm swallowing food and all the sudden my throat forgets what to do, so I wait just for a second or two. Again, nothing big but its there, you know? Also having some numbing on the AN side of my face, top of my cheekbone, close to my earlobe and down my jawline.
So, if an AN presents itself with hearing loss and balance problems and I have neither of those nerves then the only way I'll know if its back is with my face, right? I'm trying not to borrow tomorrow's troubles, I promise, but I am worried.

P.S. I'm not sure where this post goes so if you need to move it...