The gold weight procedure for me was very simple. For my last stay in the hospital (I had been in for a CSF repair surgery and a lumbar drain) they took me into the surgery room, gave me a little anesthesia (I was awake) and they cut my eye lid and inserted the gold weight and stitched me up. Took about 20 minutes. I was back in my room and discharged a few hours later. I don't recall having a black eye or any problems except I could feel something in my eye lid when I closed my eye.
16 months or so later, taking the gold weight out was even more simple for me. I went into my eye Dr's office, they put me in a chair, gave me a shot for numbing, my husband was actually sitting in the room and watched and my eye Dr slit my eye, took out the little gold weight, one of the stitches was holding onto the weight, he had to work on that for a few minutes and got the weight out, stitched me up and I was good to go. It was a little red but looked great.
The neat thing about my husband being in there with me was he could joke and say I was like Rocky about cutting my eye lid. He found that little surgery interesting and helped bring comic relief to something that is usually serious.