Hi everyone,
Tomorrow I'm going to try and complete the Baltimore marathon. I've been in a training group since July and have given up sleeping on Saturday mornings to run run run hours and hours and hours! My first (and so far, only) marathon was about a year ago. I had an AN at the time but didn't find out until a few days later. Now, I'm returning to Baltimore where I had my surgery. My first marathon tme was 5:19. I was hoping to break 5:00 in this one, but I fell the other day and whacked my knee! It's bruised and I hope it doens't factor into tomorrow's run. I'll be happy and thankful to finish, and I'll let you know how it goes!
I wish I could qualify for Boston and then come back up and crash the luncheon in April! If I keep my 5:ish marathon time when I'm 80, then I'll BQ!
I appreciate everyone's support throughout the months I've been on this forum. I haven't been on as much lately, and I'd like to figure out who's who and what with the newbies and also how my 'regular' buddies are doing.