Hi Nan and Kathleen.
OH, I do have a very deep inner peace... that is for sure as my CB can attest. Nan, I am always here for you or anyone on this board, in any way that I can help. Just as Kathleen notes, whether it be a shoulder, an ear (ok, my good one), a tissue in need or a sorded, really bad joke to help bring a smile to a face. I know you've been having a difficult time lately. Seems many here, including myself, are running into it. But know this.... we are all much, much stronger in our souls then sometimes we lead ourselves to believe. We have endured so very much, regardless if pre-treatment (wait/watch), post-treatment or SO's here to help with our support (luff you, my CB!ÂÂ
Nan, you ask what helps me cope. Lord, what a time for me to answer this question, in light of recent events in my life (the loss of my dear friend). If you asked me yesterday, I would have rattlled off the top of my head that my inner peace... support of my loved ones... those would have been the key answers. If I were to answer this now as today I'm feeling pretty down, it really does give me a chance to sit back and ask myself the same question. Today, as it's a dark day for me as well.... what helps me cope? Taking a deep breath with my eyes closed.... the emails from my CB reminding me that I have stolen his heart as much as he has stolen mine. Being able to sit back to review the situations going on in my life and telling myself that "ok, toots.... it's time to pull yourself up by the backside and be strong for others that need you to be strong right now". I try desperately (as CB will tell you) not to allow myself to become self-absorbed in my situations (although I have failed miserably lately) but to do for others. I always tell myself that even when I am having a dark day, do something for someone else... the gifts in return will be a unexpected, glorious and ten-fold.
I hope that helps Nan... and know that me... CB... Kathleen... each and everyone of us here are cheering you on... helping to boost your spirits in any way we can.
My Inbox is always open to you... and Kathleen, you are truly a G-D-send for reaching out to others as you have... and trust me... it is so recognized and appreciate by me.
Thank you.