Hello to all my friends, It is hard to believe it has been just 1 week since my surgery! I am doing unbelieveable. I am walking outside on my second day home. Fours days later I am riding in the car. I had my surgery and I was held in recovery for almost 3 days. They couldn't find a room for me. I was like everyone says- very sick on the stomich and that is being kind when I say that. My tumor was imbeded in the bone but they got it all, and with no facial issues to speak of. I also lost 26 pounds as well, not much on eating. I consider this all to me a blessing for me and that that God was doing some wonderful work here. I get my stitches out this thursday! I just cann't tell you how fast this recovery is going. I am going to try to post photos at some point. My scared is about 10-12 inches long. And I am down to 2 1/2 pain tablets per day. My vision is also good and I have been trying to catch up on my tv shows. Many thanks for all your prayers. I promise to let you know more later. Debi