I've commented numerous times on the 'cell phone theory' - to sum it up: I don't buy it. Not only are cell phones just a bit too convenient as the culprit but ANs were around long before cell phones were evn thought of. In my case, I never owned a cell phone and used my wife's on just a few occasions prior to my AN diagnosis. Of course, as Jan aptly stated, skeptics like me could be proven wrong - but I doubt it. However, the studies are interesting. Still, 'studies' can be skewed, just as polls can be skewed. Frankly, the cell phone - AN issue is inconsequential to me as my AN has been debulked and radiated - and I still only rarely use a cell phone. That noted, I'm as curious as the next person to learn the cause of tumor growth on the acoustic nerve sheath. I doubt it has much to do with the ultra-low-power radio waves emitted by cell phones, but I would like to see that ruled in or out so science can get on with seeking the cause of these abnormal growths and, one hopes, prevent future generations from having to deal with acoustic neuromas.