The Stitches finally came out of my eye this morning...what a far so good.
Other news: I saw the Radiation Oncologist last Friday; we're going to start CK next month, after the 18th. Five treatments over five consecutive days...nothing really unusual about that. The only surprise I got was the fact that there is still a 3 cm length of the original 4.7 cm Tumor on my brain stem...I had more of a de-bulking than a resection. It makes sense; it was to big for CK to be effective before. Also learned that my number 8 is severed. The RO told me not to bother with a Baha it won't work...I called the Audiologist; they agreed and cancelled my number 8, no Baha. Oh well, I've been deaf in the left eye for more than a decade, the noise would only scare me now. The RO did say, with conviction, that he really thinks my 7 will come back, not fully, but I will have eye lid function again some day. He also mentioned that I'd probably not regain much feeling on the left side of my face however; number 5 took a real beating and is still surrounded by Tumor.
Anyway, that's the update!
Take Care!
"And I really can blink now that the stitches came out...I did it for the Doctor this morning...he laughed with excitement...I felt a tear stream from my left eye!
Update: The first CK Treatment is scheduled for January 4th, 2010. 4th thru the 8th!