Dear Myjoyjordan,
I wrote to you privately awhile ago. Welcome to the AN forum! You have many issues regarding the AN and might like to consult more specialists before, making anymore serious moves.
Where are you planning the radiation? Try to stay with a "team" that is really experienced as, it's not the decision so much to finish with radiation which will help you. The important part here is that the steriotactic radiation be precise enough in the target spot.
If you have any further information regarding meningitis as well, please post in my thread regarding that topic. I and others need to be informed with this.! Were you told that once you had meningitis you're more at risk to contract this again? (mine being bacteria related and I got it right after arriving home from, a month travel all through Europe) As I mentioned in my related-thread, keep antibiotics with you just in case you might be able to take them if you feel you're having such symptoms (getting meningitis) while away from your immediate doctors.
As you see below, I'm connected with Stanford. (awaiting to hear my latest MRI results) I've only good comments to say, about Stanford Hospital!
Where in California are you and I'm wondering with whom you met, discussing your further options to combat the existing Acoustic Neuroma tumor?
I found a note in my email folder dating-back only six weeks ago. This email was written to the person with whom accompanied me on the vacation. I had mentioned my symptoms in the email and they seem like a "bad cold" coming on. The email I wrote was written just hours before, I was in a coma. Little did I know......
Take care,