The first doctor you'll see is usually a local recommendation, either from your regular doctor or ENT. Amazingly enough, many people settle for this option. Conventional neurosurgeons simply don't do enough ANs to have the kind of experience you want, so expand your search to large medical centers nearby. Call the Neurosurgery Dept. at each one and specifically ask for the name of a doctor who does AN surgery. Then ask him a lot of questions.
Don't settle for a local recommendation, don't settle for a doctor who might be more convenient than someone else, and remember throughout that it is the RESULT of the surgery you are really concerned about. The likelihood of not surviving AN surgery is very very small, so don't let the fear of dying cloud your judgement.
This is an incomplete list of some institutions with particular expertise in AN microsurgery:
House Ear Clinic, Los Angeles
Massachusetts General. Boston
Mt. Sinai, NYC
Columbia Presbyterian, NYC
Univ. of Pittsburgh Hospital
Cleveland Clinic
Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
University of California Santa Barbara