Thanks to Novagirl, Clarice, Jackie, Lyn, Jim and my buddy Jan. I still have to pick a doctor, as my family physician won't order an MRI (it would make it so much more convenient, but I understand the medical/legal issue) and has no one to recommend to me. I guess I'll check Nashville, since Lori recommended that a year and a half ago. My brother is a heart surgeon who says, "Nanny Poo, I wouldn't worry about it, and don't you dare let someone get you on the operating table right now". He is probably like most doctors who don't get the screenings and follow-up they should. I don't think of it nearly as often as I used to, but when I do I find myself wondering if it's still there and how much (or how little) it has grown. This will sound weird, but I have stopped drinking milk (my very favorite drink) and have convinced myself that may help, as I believe estrogen can promote tumor growth. It would be really nice if someone found a doctor, made the appointment, called me with the details and made me promise to report what I have learned! I consider myself so lucky I have no symptoms, yet that is probably exactly the reason I am ignoring what I know should not be ignored.