Tinnitus is something you get use to, it comes and goes in intensity with specific foods, heavy breathing, illness, etc.
I realize that this is a support site and that we all just want to know that we are normal (well, for an AN person, anyway), but I am the type of person that supports by suggesting things that can help you get results.
I measured the levels of my tinnitus at my last hearing exam and found that when it was low that it was around 40 db, when high it was 65 db (normal human conversation is usually 45 to 55 db).
You might use this scale (normal human conversation level) as a guide as to whether what you are doing is increasing or decreasing your tinnitus.
Once known, avoid those foods, situations, etc., as much as possible.
My approach is to get through that period and ignore it as much as possible
I also find that I need to concentrate more on what others are saying by look at them and watching their face.
I have also found (over the past 8 years) that as my balance decreases, my tinnitus increases.
I resolve my balance problem with an exercise program that you can find at; my tinnitus gradually decreases within days of the exercises.
But again, the best way to deal with tinnitus is to not give it your power, don't let it become an issue that angers or saddens you, just ignore it and compensate for it as needed.
I hope that this helps in the long run,